Open Door Baptist Church

Is Christ Supreme?

By Dennis Schaffer

Posted on February 1, 2020

Friday, January 10, 2020 Supremacy. Kings, queens, caesars, czars, fuhrers, chancellors, presidents, pharaohs, prime ministers, dictators, and others have all claimed to be "it," the supreme person in command. Biblically, we know they merely exhibited power and pretended to be "large and in charge." We are apt to claim supremacy, ownership and control, over our lives and mini-kingdoms, too, but when we reenter the real world we realize it's just a lie. Look up into the vast expanses of the universe, and we quickly figure out that we are insignificant physically and lay claim to minutia as if it is "big stuff." So What? What we are and have is expressed by a limited window of time and space in this created world. The Creator-Christ, on the flipside, is supreme! Scripture reveals that abundance is found in Him, not in the world's trinkets. He who dies with the most toys...still dies, and then what? They face the Supreme Christ. So, what if we were to live now like we know this truth, and we were to make God supreme in our lives before we meet Him? Our values and desires would be established and guided in ways that actually make sense and avoid confusion. Is that what you want? Ready? I hope you are getting into God's Word and praying with our church family this month for revival. Where revival begins is knowing it's not all about us, but it is all about Him. We must be surrendered and humble to His will. I really believe more than at any other time in our church's history that God is preparing us for a move of the Holy Spirit. Last Sunday was awesome--let's continue lifting up Christ and grow in Him! Sunday morning at 10:30, we'll continue surrendering our vision and accept His--and see what that looks like. Sunday evening at 6:00, we'll commission our deacons for a new year of service. Charlie Schaffer, my oldest son, is studying for pastoral ministry and interned in the fall, and he will be delivering the message that night. I'm excited about what God will do! In Christ, Pastor Dennis M. Schaffer P.S. We have some visionary ideas that God is leading us in that I will begin sharing this Sunday and through the rest of the month. Church family, let's take these steps together and trust what God will do! P.S.PS. Thank you to everyone who has given to help create a welcoming campus environment. We are making plans to move forward because we're very close to our financial goal!
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