By Dennis Schaffer
Posted on May 18, 2024
Graduation is a time of accomplishment, transition, and new beginnings. It marks the end of one chapter and the commencement of another.
Similarly, the disciples' experience on the day of Pentecost was a significant moment of transition and commencement. It was a day when they were empowered by the Holy Spirit to boldly proclaim the Gospel and continue the work that Jesus had entrusted to them.
Just as our graduates are stepping into a new phase of their lives with a sense of purpose and mission, the disciples were filled with a renewed sense of purpose and empowerment to carry out the mission of spreading the good news of salvation. Both events are reminders of God's faithfulness, His grace, and His call for us to step out in faith, trusting in His guidance and provision.
May this graduation season be a time of reflection, thanksgiving, and anticipation for what lies ahead. Let us continue to support and encourage one another in our collective and individual journeys of faith, knowing that we are all part of God's greater kingdom plan on earth.
Congratulations to all our graduates, and may the spirit of Pentecost ignite a fire in our hearts to boldly proclaim the message of salvation to the world together.
If Jesus were preparing you to change the world in fifty days, what would you learn? Each Sunday over the fifty days following Easter/Resurrection Day, we are asking God to help us learn what we need, so He can use us as better witnesses and representatives of His Gospel and Kingdom.
Are you ready to follow Jesus united behind His purpose?
Join us May 19 at 10:30am for “Graduate Sunday” and to conclude our series, “Countdown: 50 Days to God Changing the World through Me.”
Dennis Schaffer, Pastor