
Posts by Dennis Schaffer

It's truly a joy to be part of a continuing miracle called "Open Door." Sunday, October 1, Open Door Baptist…

on September 29, 2023

Join us for a drive-thru Trunk-or-Treat on Sunday, October 29, from 4-6 p.m. All children in the vehicles will receive candy from the decorated trunks. There will also be a photo spot available when exiting.

on September 22, 2023

Come and celebrate Open Door's 53 anniversary. We will have a dinner on the grounds following our 10:30 a.m. service...

on September 8, 2023

We can find great comfort, encouragement, and strength from the book of Psalms. Come walk through certain psalms with us…

on August 17, 2023

Come hear practical Bible teaching on marriage and family from author and guest speaker, Dr. Charles Shoemaker...

on August 12, 2023

I am sure that we each appreciate the leaders who have influenced our lives for Christ. In Paul's letter to…

on July 28, 2023