Open Door Baptist Church

Continue to be strong in grace

By Dennis Schaffer

Posted on October 22, 2022

"...Be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus." 2 Timothy 2:1b

These are such empowering words written by Paul to Timothy and to us.

Be strong? When we look at our capabilities and influences in a world that looks bigger and more corrupt and violent each day, we may wonder what we can do, if anything, to make a difference.

Think about it. If you were a superhero, it would make sense to use your super powers to make a difference, right? We all frown on those who have abilities and opportunities to help people and make positive changes but choose not to do so. It's an expectation that we all have.

What about us? God says to "be strong," meaning we have the capability of being strong for whatever situations we face, knowing God's grace provides the specific strength we need at any given time.

The literal expression of "be strong" means to be "instrengthened." Grace here is an inward strength, and it is available to us as a part of our walk following our loving Savior. We can resolve to be instruments of grace following the resolve of Christ to redeem and minister to broken, fallen people.

Therefore, we make a difference in our world (where we are) by living out the grace God puts into us each day form His vast, endless supply.

You may find it to be challenging where you are right now. It's good to know that God's grace is more than sufficient to help you be His hands and heart extended.

As we prepare to worship together tomorrow (in-person at 10:30am), let's renew that relationship with the Lord and draw from the gushing well of grace. And let's express that wonderful grace as we minister to each other and before the Lord, so we can tell others where they can drink from the well that springs up into life everlasting!

I am praying you have a blessed week ahead in God's grace!

In Christ,
Pastor Dennis Schaffer

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