Open Door Baptist Church

Coronavirus Note

Coronavirus Note

By Dennis Schaffer

Posted on March 12, 2020

Dear Friend,

What we do at Open Door Baptist Church and our ministries is a vital link to providing connections for people. Our staff and volunteers faithfully strive to make our campus a welcoming one that is safe and secure.

News outlets and local activities remind us that there is a need to wisely prepare and adapt to situations regarding the Coronavirus (COVID-19). As such, I wanted to communicate some steps that we are taking.

First, we are monitoring information from the Center for Disease Control (CDC), the Louisiana Department of Health (LDH), WHO (World Health Organization), and other local agencies.

At the present time, Coronavirus risks are considered to be low in our area. The Governor is not discouraging travel.

The CDC recommends taking common sense steps to prevent spreading the disease. Wash your hands frequently, and cover your nose and mouth when sneezing or coughing (covering with your elbow is recommended). Avoid contact with those who are sick. These steps will also work to keep the flu away, which is also prevalent this time of year.

Second, we are taking measures to prevent the disease. We are well-equipped with hand sanitizing stations and soap in our bathrooms. Our staff will be taking careful steps to disinfect common areas, classrooms, door handles, and toys.

Staff and students who feel ill are encouraged to take the appropriate steps to get checked by a doctor, rest, and recover as directed.

Church members who are ill are also encouraged to stay home and watch our services online. It's not exactly like being at a service with church family, but technology does help us maintain a connection. Please contact your Sunday school teacher or staff member to let us know how you are doing. Giving tithes and offerings may also be done online.

COVID-19 has brought great concern to many, but it is certainly not a reason for panic. God is still in control, and global situations like this remind us that His return is drawing closer. Take time to pray for those who are directly affected by the virus. There are many accounts where God has opened doors for souls to be reached with the Gospel! Pray for His continued protection for our ministry families and community.

I am looking forward to our services this weekend and seeing you soon! We will continue to be faithful to Christ, each other, and the mission He has given us.

Your friend in Christ,
Pastor Dennis Schaffer

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+1 225-667-4679, ext 100

We are located at:

7000 Gloryland Way

Denham Springs, LA 70726

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