
Hurricane Francine Updates

By Dennis Schaffer

Posted on September 10, 2024

Francine has passed our area as of 9/12/2024, and we rejoice in God's grace and mercy to spare our church and community. We are grateful for emergency personnel and for the prayers of others during this time.

We are praying as Hurricane Francine is predicted to move through our Louisiana area with rain beginning Tuesday and landfall on Wednesday afternoon/evening.

ODBC updates will be posted here and on our Facebook page as we are able to post.

No midweek service on 9/11. On Thursday, our ministries will officially be closed, but we will be doing after-hurricane assessments to see how ministry families are doing.

Communications: In case of emergency, please call 9-1-1. Church family, for non-emergencies, please call or text church staff or a deacon, or submit an online "Connecting Card."

If you have the Zello app, you can try to connect via Open Door's channel, Open Door DS. (This only works if data is available in the area.) Zello is used as a walkie talkie by groups and emergency personnel to help coordinate responders.

Take a moment to make sure your contact information is up-to-date. Use the Church by MinistryOne app or login at https://opendoor.fellowshiponego.com. (The app is a great place to view the calendar, signup for events, give, and watch services, etc.)

The Weather Channel Hurricane Updates: https://weather.com/storms/hurricane-central?traffic_source=hurricaneTickerHC

The National Weather Service Francine Updates: https://www.noaa.gov/francine

Hurricane Preparedness:

  • Adequate water for each person
  • Charge cell phones
  • Flashlights
  • Batteries
  • NOAA Weather Radio
  • Medical supplies
  • Communications devices
  • Share your location with others
  • Toiletry items
  • Food
  • Secure loose items outside
  • Evacuate to a safe location if necessary
  • Extra: Check generator or that supplemental electrical devices work
  • Extra: Extension cords

As able, through and after the Hurricane, share your location and condition with others.

After the hurricane, assess your personal needs and of those around you to provide assistance as able to be the hands and feet of Jesus.
