Update April 2014:
Justus Banuel
Calvary Baptist Foundation
Thiruvarambu P.O. 629161
Kanyakumari District, South India
Calvary Baptist Foundation
P.O. Box 9649
New Iberia, LA 70562
April 2014 Prayer Letter
Dear Pastor and praying friends,
Greetings to you in our Lords sweet Name.
Vacation Bible School is here and for the next two months our churches will be overflowing with children of all ages who have never heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This is always a blessed time for our ministry. We know the many children saved through our Vacation Bible School are among those who will continue to tell the people of India about Jesus long after we are in heaven. That is why we feel such an urgent need to provide them with Bibles. Some of them we may never see again but they will be equipped with The Word of God. We make this annual plea to all of you for help in providing this great need. We give thousands of Bibles away during these two months. The cost is $3.25 per Bible. We are grateful for your prayers and for your financial help in providing this great need each year.
During the month of March, we have distributed over 250,000 tracts, John’s Gospel and Romans to people in every village in and near our churches. We ask for your continued prayers as we start new churches so the spreading of God’s Word can go even further. We will soon have 500 churches in our ministry. With the churches and the other ministries such as radio and TV, 1745 people were saved during the month of March. We had 156 baptisms. The weather here is scorching with temperatures averaging 105. There is very little water so again we have fewer baptisms.
I have a special request this month for prayers regarding our upcoming elections during the next two months. We know that we have to depend completely on God when it comes to carrying out our Christian ministry in this Hindu nation. Please help us pray for His guidance and wisdom as we handle the issues that come from this situation so that we may continue to teach and preach the Gospel of Jesus throughout southern India.
Thank you for all your prayers regarding the health needs in our family. We are all doing much better and thank God for His healing and you for your praying. We ask that you continue to pray for our ministry and for all the people God has sent us to help carrying out the programs that allow us to reach millions. We know that without you, it would all be impossible. Your prayers, your support, and your love are what keep us going. Thank you and please know that you are loved and appreciated.
Because of Him,
Because of Him,
Justus Banuel
Calvary Baptist Foundation
Phone .011-91-4651-277445,
Cell. 011-91- 9443483295
USA. 770-337-8748