Read the latest update.
Hicks 05.2019
Catch up with the Hicks family.
Hicks 02.2019
Catch up with missionary Daylon Hicks.
Hicks 12.2018
Read this update from the Hicks.
Hicks 09.2018
Catch up with the Hicks by reading their latest letter. (Letter)
Hicks 02.2018-05.2018
“Fifty-one years ago, Lynda and I surrendered to missions. That was in May of nineteen sixty-seven in Tyler, Texas. Lynda went to be with the Lord in April of last year, shortly after our fifty-eighth anniversary.” Read more from Bro. Hicks. (Letters)
Hicks 11.2017
Hicks 08.2017
Hicks 07.2017
Hicks 05.2017