Taylor Update

Updated March & April 2014

The Manhattan Project Newsletter
March/April 2014

Greetings from the mission field of New York City.  What an exciting year it has already been.  We’re seeing souls saved and lives transformed.  It’s such a humbling experience to be a part of.
Most recently, we celebrated our 1 year anniversary at Rockaway Beach Baptist Church.  It is our second church plant and was birthed from the

tragedy of hurricane Sandy.  We had an incredible service. There was a special time of testimonies from those who had come to know the Lord through this ministry. Several of them were presented for baptism.  As a church planter, it was such an encouragement to be reminded of what God has done in the lives of these people in just one short year.  We had first time guests of those whose homes we’ve helped rebuild or those who have been ministered to in our food pantry. It’s hard to believe a year has passed, but Rockaway Beach Baptist Church has a bright future ahead.

Another praise to report is the salvation of Hugo.  We first met Hugo over a year ago when we established our relief center in the Rockaways after the hurricane.  He lives across the street from our church and has battled addictions his entire life.  He has attended our church and Bible studies many times, but rarely attended sober.We’ve loved him through his addictions and showered him with the love of Jesus despite his enslavement to alcohol.  Through much prayer and the working of the Holy Spirit, I had the privilege of leading Hugo to Christ 2 weeks ago.  I’ve never heard such a sweet prayer of surrender.  He attended our 1 year anniversary service sober minded, with bright eyes and came early ready to serve.  The freedom he has found in Christ is evident.  Please pray for Hugo, because we know the weeks and months ahead are not going to be easy.  Satan has had a grip on his life for years and these addictions will tempt him in many ways.  Pray that as he surrenders fully to Christ, he will find healing from these addictions in the process.
We would like to ask you to pray specifically for a couple of things. First, we need a church van desperately.  Amongst many things it would help with, a major impact would be on youth.  We are beginning youth night in the Rockaways on April 11th and the opportunity a van would give us to round up teens would be incredible.  It would also come in handy when transporting and picking up food for our food pantry every Saturday.  These things are difficult to handle via mass transit or our small Toyota Camry.  We are asking God to provide for this need. Secondly, we would ask that you would pray for thefinances at Rockaway Beach Baptist Church.  A growing church means we’ve had to expand and rent extra space.  What started out as $1,800 a month to rent, has now become around $2,700 a month.  Though tithes are coming in, it’s a poverty stricken community and many of our attenders, though giving faithfully, just aren’t able to handle the budget’s needs.  We are confident that God will provide and equip us.  He hasn’t raised up RBBC in order for it to fail.  Please pray that we will be faithful to pursue growth and be godly stewards of the funds He is providing.
In the day and age we are living in, with such economic struggle, we cannot thank you enough for your faithful support to this ministry. Planting 5 churches in all 5 boroughs of New York City is an audacious goal, but one God has placed in our hearts.  We serve the God of the impossible and it’s our honor to partner with each of you to watch this goal come to fruition.  Thank you for your faithful support and priceless prayers.  We are grateful for each and every one of you.  May God bless you, for you have most certainly been a blessing to us.
In His service,
Ron, Susan, Noah and Allyson Taylor
Church Planting Missionaries to NYC