Open Door Baptist Church

Principles of Bible Study

By Dennis Schaffer

Posted on February 5, 2021

Do you want to learn what God says in His Word? Perhaps you've found yourself staring at the words or trying to figure out what a particular verse means? Have you ever given up not knowing where to begin making sense? Maybe you heard someone share a truth from the Bible and thought, "I wish I could get that much out of a passage, so I can share it with others"?

Studying the Bible is a blessed, life-long endeavor (see Psalm 1), and we want to help you start and continue on that journey.

Connect with us in-person or online for the Wednesday study at 7pm. This study is a part of our "Wednesday Family Rebound" services for individuals and families. We are helping people take one step at a time as we go through abnormal times while also flourishing in our faith.

Download and fill in the notes to help you as you attend or watch:
Week 1: "The Truth about the Bible" | Notes
Week 2: "The Redemptive Historical Narrative" | Notes
Week 3: "Observation" | Notes
Week 4: "Interpretation" | Notes
Week 5: "Application/Building Lessons" | Notes
Week 6: "Practical Bible Study Plan" | Notes

Watch via our Website | Facebook | Vimeo | YouTube.

Get to know Charlie Schaffer, the weekly leader for "Principles of Bible Study." Charlie is studying for ministry and desires to help people know Christ and His Word in real, relevant ways. Charlie is also leading a Bible study in Hammond, Louisiana, with hopes of planting a church as the Lord leads and opens doors.

Check out and share the Facebook event with others!

Reach Out

Contact us via the contact form, or feel free to call:

+1 225-667-4679, ext 100

We are located at:

7000 Gloryland Way

Denham Springs, LA 70726

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