By Dennis Schaffer
Posted on March 28, 2025
The old children's song says, "Obedience is the very best way to show that you believe."
Yet, in our day, so many are willing to do what they feel is right, even when it is wrong. Others are happy to do something when it is "their own idea," and there's something big missing from this reasoning.
Thankfully, there's been a recent return to acknowledging the Ten Commandments as a foundational part of our culture and lives.
For over a century, the Ten Commandments were faithfully taught in our private and public schools, beginning with young students, and it formed the backbone of the "common sense" of our country. Eventually, the Ten Commandments were removed from public schools due to court rulings requiring "separation of church and state." I rejoice that current trends are favoring the inclusion of the Ten Commandments in the education of young lives again.
But we have to stop and ask, "What it is that is so important in the Ten Commandments that we should not miss?" How would not having the Ten Commandments in schools, homes, and even churches influence the world we live in today? We're experiencing the mess this creates, but there's also hope to be found when we return to this sacred list of "thou shalts" and "thou shalt nots."
Specifically, I believe that we can find a key in one of those 10 Commandments that unlocks God's blessings, and I believe you will be sad to see how far we've moved away from it, but equally glad to see how it matters for life and eternity.
10:30 Sunday morning, I hope you can come, we're going to focus on what may very well be considered to be the most important, pivotal command of the Ten Commandments for us--as individuals and families. Our school-age children through adults (we'll still have preschool care) will be in the sanctuary together because this is going to be so foundational.
As a clue, we're going to talk about obedience and honor from the fifth commandment. If you or your kids struggle with obeying (this is all of us), I pray this will be a day and service where victory will begin as we turn our hearts of fear and rebellion to the Lord and trust Him at His Word.
By the way, this weekend, we are also hosting the "Blessed Family Focus Weekend," which starts tomorrow, Saturday, morning with sessions you can select, and it will conclude on Sunday with our focus on "The Most Important Command for Families." There's still time to sign up and come on Saturday and/or on Sunday. Info/Registration Link:
I pray you will be blessed,
Pastor Dennis Schaffer