By Dennis Schaffer
Posted on January 18, 2025
A Note from Pastor Dennis Schaffer
One of the ways we can complicate things way beyond what is necessary is in our service to God.
When God is trying to talk with us, and we start thinking about serving Him, it's so easy to wonder (and worry) about what that might mean someday, and what that will entail of us. When God nudges us to step up in our faithfulness or a place to serve, we do a personal inventory of what we have available for God to use, and we realize there's honestly a limited set of tools in our toolbox.
In response to God's invitation, we make a quick judgment and write it off as being undoable—at least right now or until some other things work out differently in life later.
I know I am not alone in this, right?
Sunday morning, we're going to dive into this at our 10:30 service, and for an important reason. I believe that most of those reading this would say that serving God is one of the most important things we can do, but there is often a disconnect between our words and our actions.
We'll look at Moses' story. When we read about the amazing ways God used him as a leader and prophet, and consider that Moses not only penned the first five books of the Old Testament but also led Israel out of Egypt, parted the Red Sea, met with God to get the 10 Commandments, smote a rock causing water to burst out, etc., etc. etc.—we may forget that originally Moses told God, "I ain't doin' it" (in his southern accent).
God simplified the plea for Moses to be usable by asking him this: "What is that in thine hand?" to which Moses replied, "A rod," (Exodus 4:2). God then used that rod by turning it into a snake and back into a rod again. And throughout Moses' life, that rod was with Moses to represent God's power in the use of simple things and to remind Moses and the world that God only uses what He gives us, and He gives us what we need.
I hope you'll merge onto the path of God's blessing and prosperity because you're willing to be used by God in simple humility. God is inviting us to take this step together as a church family tomorrow at our 10:30 a.m. service. Be present for Sunday school groups at 9:30 a.m., and plan ahead to attend the Stewardship Commitment Dinner at 6:00 p.m. Use the commitment card (also available online and via our Church by MinistryOne app) to indicate your faith steps and willingness to serve the Lord.
Plan to come for the "ministry fair" the following Sunday night, January 26, at 6 p.m. to see ways God is working and where you could get involved. (We've not done this event before!)
I look forward to our time of worship and growing tomorrow. Before you come, do a little inventory and ask God to show you what He has placed in your hand.
Dennis Schaffer, Pastor
Open Door Baptist Church | Academy | Childcare Center
Journey the Psalm 1 path with us in January as we learn how God says to be blessed! January 19: 9:30am, Sunday School Studies; 10:30am, "The Path of Usability;" 6pm, Stewardship Banquet. Ask God to bless as we follow Him!
There are two key Sunday evenings I hope you will plan to attend, January 19 and 26.
January 19 at 6pm, we will have a stewardship banquet with delicious food that will be prepared (sign up bring something, too) and commit via a form to some basic faith step areas as well as being willing to let God lead and develop each of us beyond where we are now.
January 26 at 6pm, we will have a "ministry fair" for everyone who is willing and wanting to serve. This will be an exciting event as we invite you and others to serve together and be a part of our mission, which is "inviting people to Jesus Christ, the Open Door of Salvation, Strength, and Service.)
I am rejoicing that God has blessed our church with 57 years of opportunities to share the Gospel, and He isn't done yet! Since relocating to Denham Springs in the early part of this century, we are seeing a new generation rise up and lead with seasoned saints, and it is exciting to see the zeal and creative ideas God is fostering.
Now is not the time to quit and let the world be victorious. No matter who you are and what you have faced, God has always been faithful and gracious. Let's encourage and equip each other for this day and this hour. Christ's return is soon and on the horizon. Let's be found as good stewards who are faithful.
You can fill out the stewardship commitment form by following the link below: