Open Door Baptist Church

What Do Friends and Vines Have in Common?

By Dennis Schaffer

Posted on November 11, 2020

[ View a video of this email here, or continue reading below. ] What do friends and vines have in common? As I am preparing for tonight's study and Sunday's morning services, God's Word keeps pulling me back to a common theme and an important opportunity that is easy to neglect.

This evening we'll observe that Paul's letter to Timothy expresses care, concern and caution knowing their earthly relationship was coming to an end. Paul would soon lose his life for preaching the Gospel, but the friendship they had would continue to help Timothy successfully minister to and lead others. (The "Last Days Living" is each Wednesday at 7pm.)

Sunday morning, we'll note Christ's reminder to us that He is the True Vine, and if we are to be healthy enough to produce the fruit of joy and strength as a branch of the Vine, we must abide in Him. ("HE IS" is an examination of the extraordinary claims of Christ, each Sunday morning at 8:45am and 11am.)

So what is the unifying theme? You may have already guessed the common theme is connections.

We must be and stay connected to Christ and to Godly friends! I pray that you are making an effort to connect with the Lord and with others. In these strange days of Covid, changing social rules, and swaying political trends, connections are needed.

I have been encouraged to see friends coming to church to build their connections with God and others. Many others are also plugging in online week after week.

BUT...there is something else we'll miss if we are not careful to take one little extra step.

Connecting works best when we go beyond just seeing each other. Take a moment to be a friend. Engage and interact with others in friendly conversation.

Engagement helps you, and it helps them!

It is a lack of engagement that increases the likelihood of disease and death. We've seen that sadly in places where people have been secluded during Covid.

Covid has caused us to be careful, but it's still worth taking risks to be around people (even if it is at a distance) or to put ourselves out there in front of others online by posting a friendly comment or chat.

Now is not the time to shy away from connecting with God and others. Now is the time to make sure we love people and reflect the kindness of Christ.

Let's fight against the tendency to isolate completely due to fear. I encourage you to be careful--nobody wants germs--but keep connecting and engaging.

Be a friend to the Lord and others.

I hope you'll consider this message a connection from me to you. The heartbeat God has given me is to care for you and those who are both a part of our church and ministry families and those who do not yet know Christ as their own Lord and Savior.

Friend, I'd enjoy continuing this conversation. Each day, I build time in my schedule for meetings, phone calls, emails, etc. I am praying for you, too. If you'd like, reach back or message me.

I look forward to connecting with you soon!

God bless,
Pastor Dennis M. Schaffer

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