Open Door Baptist Church

Yes, We Are Blessed!

By Dennis Schaffer

Posted on August 29, 2020


Yes, we are blessed! Still dealing with Covid-19, our local area is breathing better now that two forecasted hurricanes are gone. Our prayers are with those in western Louisiana and eastern Texas, some we know, dealing with the aftermath of Hurricane Laura. Watching the Weather Channel and using multiple weather apps overnight as Laura came ashore, I was amazed when I saw the storm jog to the East. Meteorologists say that little movement spared Lake Charles, LA, from substantially worse "un-survivable" storm surge. I believe that was God's mercy displayed.

Yes, we are blessed! Recently, a presidential candidate, regarding Covid-19, said that a miracle is not coming. That was intended as a political attack, but it was also a shortsighted attack on God's character and desire to heal people. Frankly, I believe God is quite able to clear out Coronavirus in an instant.  A healing miracle like that is more likely if our nation were to turn to God and humbly repent of our sins and seek His forgiveness. (See 2 Chronicles 7:14 and Jeremiah 18:7-10.)

I could cite a bunch of ways God has done miracles during Covid-19. He has healed many--and each one is a miracle. We have seen Him working in our services, saving souls, building our educational ministries, growing our congregation, providing for needs, and expanding our influence to more people than ever before. There have been many times over the past six months I have needed just to stop, trust, and wait on God to see what He was going to do. I am in awe!

Yes, we are blessed! I hope you'll take some time to reflect on God's blessings in the midst of storms and diseases. We don't deserve those blessings! One of the great ways to honor the Lord for His continual blessings is to lift Him up with your church family. Take the time today to prepare for tomorrow's opportunities to go to church or to gather with our church online. Sunday morning services are at 9:00 and 10:00.

Tomorrow morning, we'll see some warnings from the life of Jonah, a wayward revivalist, who ran from God's will. God used Jonah to bring the greatest missions revival in recorded history, and He wants to use us, too. The question is if we'll realize this blessing the easy way or by "kicking and screaming."

Yes, we are blessed! After being postponed, our summer KMP3/Music Camp program will conclude Sunday evening at 6:00 with a program called "Soul on Fire." The leaders and kids have worked hard to share this with you. To provide space in the auditorium for the families of the children participating to attend, we are asking our regular church family to pray and watch online from home.

Yes, we are blessed! We want to help individuals and families in our church and community rebound from this strange year. People of all ages need connections. Starting Wednesday night at 7:00, we'll be spreading our age groups out to help this happen. The "Stretch" Bible study I've been leading will continue and will stream live as a part of the service for those who want to watch online.

If you'd like to share a blessing or prayer request with me, you may reply or use our connections form.

I look forward to worshipping with my many friends on-site and online (website; Facebook; YouTube)!

Blessed by Christ,

Pastor Dennis M. Schaffer

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