Open Door Baptist Church


A Change of Taste

By Dennis Schaffer

Posted on February 4, 2022

We all like things that taste good.

One thing people are searching for is change, and taste influences that. I am not talking about changing the recipe of your favorite sweet tea, but I will say that if you find a sweet tea recipe that's better than the one you have, you will want to change!

Psalm 34:8 says it this way: "O taste and see that the Lord is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in Him."

I have tasted some very good recipes that made me say, "O, that is good!" I have also known what some things taste like, and they caused me to tell others by saying, "O, you want to try that!"

My guess is you have, too.

Here's a recipe for change--a recipe that will make you say, "O!"

What is the recipe? Jesus. O, He is better than anything in life!
Sometimes people say they do not want Him, but that is only because to them He is a recipe untried and untasted.

Admittedly, there are people who have said they have tried "Jesus" and did not like it so much. Friend, there are many who have been victims of Satan's label-switch-trick at the taste test table. What was labeled as "Jesus" was not, or there were some other flavors added in the mix that covered over what He is really like.

Jesus is not religion, rules, or empty hopes.

When you know the real Jesus, you will be glad!

Simply put, Open Door Baptist Church and our ministries are all about helping people know Jesus Christ personally. Jesus is not good just because we say He is. No, Jesus is good, which is why we say He is!

We do not want to get in the way. We want to point people to the serving line where they can discover for themselves that Jesus is everything good they need and more!

Sunday, we are going to be all about this theme of helping others know God because He really is very, very good!

Sunday morning at 10:30, we'll start a short series looking at "Life Hacks for Today" to help us walk with God and others. Sunday night at 6:00, we will have a ministry team meeting for everyone who serves in any capacity at our church and ministries. We'll see where God is leading us this year and what it will take to get there as we serve Him together.

I look forward to seeing you at the service in-person or online, and I invite you to invite someone to see and taste the goodness of God with us. You'll be glad you did, and so will those you invite.

God is good,
Dennis Schaffer, Pastor

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Denham Springs, LA 70726

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