Open Door Baptist Church


A “Life Hack” for Peace

By Dennis Schaffer

Posted on February 25, 2022

Open Door Baptist Church

Praying and preparing for Sunday's "life hack" about finding peace, I knew my own peace was going to be disturbed. It was.

I could not help but be moved and pray for the people in the Ukraine as Putin's military began assaulting. As I watched the news and read various articles to wrap my head around the situation, I could sense peace leave as reminders of the Cold War era, left behind in the 1990's, revived. There are many questions about our nation's response but also a big concern for the many Christians and souls living there. It seems we've begun to shift out of Covid right into a conflict. Leading people through the changing times of our modern world can be tricky. Each situation poses new or renewed risks and opportunities.

It was not just external pressures that pried peace from my heart. There were internal ones, too, and these can be more difficult to fend off.

Sometimes days go really well--until something comes up, and you stare at the ugly, mean unknown face-to-face.

You know it can be anything, but whatever it is feels like the biggest thing going on in the world.

And then our peace is disturbed.

How do we find peace when it is gone?

I love how the Bible comes alive and speaks to the needs we have in our lives. (Can you think of Bible stories that are perfect illustrations of this principle?)

Sunday at 10:30am, we'll "go" on a trip with the disciples in a little fishing boat to see how Jesus helped them find peace, and I hope you will be a part of that service. BUT I don't want you to have to struggle until then.

Simply put, we find peace when we are assured of the presence of Christ in our lives.

The times our peace is disturbed and we are upset, scared, depressed, worried, bitter, or confused--maybe we clam up, stare into space, get angry, or lash out--it's because we are missing the presence of God.

In Psalm 51, King David confessed His sin because he knew the disastrous affects that having a break in his relationship with God had brought to his life. He expressively prayed, "Cast me not away from thy presence" (v. 11). Being apart from God in our relationship is the worse thing a human can know--it's the very definition of Hell.

God is never disturbed. Throw anything at Him. He knows. It's not just a song that says, "Everything's all right in my Father's house." Everything really is fine in Heaven.

The fix for all of our world's problems and the ones that plague our hearts is what mankind has often rejected, first in Eden and again and again and again: Christ's presence.

We do not need to reject Christ's presence. He invites us to know Him as Savior and as the Friend that sticks closer than a (good) brother.

For me, I had to stop walking by sight and start walking by faith to worship and wait on Him.

I am not going to say it's easy. When you are in a panic or in pain it is often harder to trust God.

Don't just trust me, though. I know God gives me and anyone peace. Trust Him and His very words: "Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you" (1 Peter 5:7). The context of 1 Peter is suffering, and the very next verse is about knowing the devil is out to get you. Hello! These are two great reasons to secure God's peace!

When you practice the presence of God, you'll notice the calm of peace that He alone provides in any situation. Paul describes it in Philippians 4:7, "And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus."

I'll see you Sunday as we learn more about this practical-for-everyday-especially-when-something-seems-to-be-getting-stormy-or-turning-the-wrong-way "life hack."

Pastor Dennis Schaffer

If there is a nagging thought trying to steal your peace, and you'd like me to pray with you about it, let me know. (You don't have to tell me all the sordid details.)

Begin preparing for Easter services! Starting two Sundays from now at our 10:30am services, we will gather under the cross and hear the last dying and first living words Jesus spoke from there. I pray this will bring us closer to His heartbeat and change our lives forever. Easter is Sunday, April 17.

Watch our website and share our Facebook events or Instagram posts to stay updated and to invite others to learn how they can follow Christ.

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