Open Door Baptist Church

Connecting During COVID-19

Connecting During COVID-19

By Dennis Schaffer

Posted on March 17, 2020

In a time where we are being all being cautious, we want to continue to minister to you and our community. Though necessary, "social distancing" is awkward for all of us. We are leveraging existing tools and continue to invest in new opportunities to connect with you. As we all walk through these days dealing with Coronavirus/COVID-19 and other challenges, please check back to this page for updates. Keep praying and staying your faith in Christ! [Facebook: church | school | daycare]

Your Friend,
Pastor Dennis Schaffer

March 2, 2021

Thank you for your interest in connecting with God and others! Our desire is to help make this happen--including in times that seem to be filled with uncertainty and unrest. All of our ministries continue to operate with established guidelines to assist people as they attend and participate in both on and off-campus ministries and events. We understand that our best efforts cannot eliminate risks, so we encourage you and others to exercise faith while understanding your own particular circumstances. Should you have any questions, please let us know.

January 1, 2021

Happy 2021! Many are excited to see last year in the rear view mirror. We know God is faithful, and we are following His lead as we wade through the strange times we're in, especially considering Covid-19. Currently, we believe it is important for our church family to connect at one service time on Sunday mornings at 10:30. We will adjust this time, if needed. We are continuing to encourage healthy precautions for those attending services. Specific seating areas are provided for those wishing to ensure social distancing is maintained.

October 28, 2020

Due to Hurricane Zeta, we will not have an in-person midweek service. (Our school and daycare are also dismissing early.) Fitting with this "odd" year, Pastor Dennis Schaffer will do an online Bible study to help us with "Last Days Living." Plan to "Re-Group" with us on Sunday morning during our new service times, which will be at 8:45am and 11am with Sunday school for everyone at 10am.

October 25, 2020

Our service times are changing to provide an opportunity for more people to connect via Sunday school. Sunday, November 1, the services will be at 8:45am and 11am with Sunday school between them at 10am. This will give us options to keep people spread out while helping more people to see each other. We will get to "Re-Group," and there are classes for everyone, including guests, so come be a part!

October 12, 2020

Stay connected with us as we pray for and plan ways to involve more people in our community as we recover from Covid-19. Continue to come to our services in person or online. We believe that fundamentally as people we need to know the Savior and have fellow humans around us as we walk through these challenging days. Invite others to connect with us by sharing a simple personal invitation or social media post.

October 7, 2020

Hurricane Delta is forecast to affect our area Friday and Saturday, October 9-10. In an effort to protect those we minister to, all of our facilities will be closed. We once again encourage personal emergency preparations to be made and that ministry constituents be sure their contact information is correct at our respective offices by contacting them or by submitting updates via an online connections form. Our ministries will continue to make updates here and on our Facebook pages as needed and/or able.

August 29, 2020

We are continuing to pray that God would help our nation and community recover from Covid-19. Connections are an important part of your life, and we want to help build them. We are retaining the two Sunday morning services at 9:00 and 10:30, and we are adding a midweek component to help individuals and families of all ages rebound from this year's odd struggles. We hope you'll check it out, and let God reset and re-establish what ought to be normal for our lives. The Wednesday Bible study will be streamed online as a part of the service. Our online audience has grown, and we appreciate all who watch from far and near. Thank you for being a part of what God is doing at Open Door!

August 23-27, 2020

Significant weather events (Marco and Laura) are influencing weather this week. We encourage emergency preparations to be made and that constituents of our ministries be sure to update their contact information with respective offices or by submitting them via an online connections form. Our ministries will continue to post updates here and on Facebook pages.

Based on weather reports, we plan to open our school and daycare on Monday, 8/24/2020, but to help families and employees prepare for Marco, all late afternoon and evening events will be canceled.
- Daycare (ODCDC) will close at 3:00pm. Families should plan to pick up children before that time.
- School (ODCA) will dismiss preschool and kindergarten at 2:30pm; elementary and upper school will dismiss following via the portico. No aftercare; volleyball practice is canceled.

All ministries, including school and daycare will be open 8/25/2020.

Hurricane Laura is coming ashore early 8/27 along the western LA coast. We are predicted to be outside the main storm cone, however, to protect families, and in consideration of the storm’s expected effects to our LA and TX friends and families, all ministries will be closed 8/27. (Early dismissal and closure: School dismissed at 2:30pm; Daycare closed by 4:00pm on 8/26 to give time for constituents and employees to go home safely.)

July 30, 2020

Open Door desires to minister to our community in the safest way possible in light of modern challenges. Covid-19 presents one such challenge. Noting a recent increase in Covid-19 infections and potential exposure, we are implementing protocols in advance of school opening. Like most, we would rather continue with our normal schedule, but we feel it is wise and in the best interest of those we minister to that we further limit exposure by temporarily halting or postponing certain activities. In advance, we apologize for any inconveniences. These steps will provide opportunity for us to employ additional safeguards that cannot be done when buildings are occupied. We additionally desire that those who may have been exposed will have ample time to recover before school classes begin. We are hopeful school will have a healthy start.

Here is a list of changes:
The Childcare Center to be closed beginning Friday, July 31, and will resume childcare on Monday, August 10. | School will postpone starting until Wednesday, August 12. | Music Camp will postpone its final rehearsal from Friday, July 31, until Saturday, August 29, with the program being presented at Open Door Baptist Church on Sunday evening, August 30, at 6pm. | Church services will continue onsite as scheduled at 9am and 10:30am on Sundays. We request participants to be sensitive to social distancing protocols. Those with compromised immune systems and underlying health issues are encouraged to participate in online services. The Wednesday evening Bible study will continue online at 7pm. Sunday school classes are also meeting, generally, online.

Watch for future updates. We hope to re-introduce other facets of our ministries as we are able.

As a reminder, please take appropriate personal precautions.

To reduce the risk of spreading Coronavirus/COVID-19, please follow common-sense methods:

1. Stay home and seek medical attention when showing signs of illness.
2. Use proper cough/sneeze etiquette and hygiene.
3. Correctly and thoroughly wash your hands, and keep hands away from your face, especially your mouth and eyes.
4. Keep additional physical space between you and others.

If you have questions or needs, please email office@opendooronline.com or call 225-667-4679, ext. 100.

July 17, 2020

Open Door continues to strive for a safe environment for people to worship. While the Governor has issued a state-wide mask mandate, they are not enforcing it in churches. We encourage everyone to keep a safe distance at our service and be aware of others needs and health by practicing good hygiene. For those that are more vulnerable, we encourage you to join us at 9:00 (there is no children or preschool care). During our 10:30 service, we do offer Preschool care and Kings Kids (Childrens Church). We will also continue to stream our Sunday and midweek services on all of our streaming platforms.

June 16, 2020

Open Door and our community fared through Tropical Storm Cristobal well, and we are praying those with COVID-19 to be healed. In the next week, we expect an update from the Governor regarding possible future phase changes for the State of Louisiana.

June 3, 2020

We are grateful that the Coronavirus situation is improving in Louisiana. Governor Edwards moved our state to "Phase Two," which allows our daycare/preschool to have additional children. Due to additional service growth and space constraints, we are continuing to hold two Sunday morning services: 9:00 and 10:30* (*Preschool care is available during the later service only). Those who are in high-risk categories are still encouraged by the Department of Health to stay home or at the least to attend the earlier service. We will continue to stream and post service videos online. (Note: COVID-19 has shown us some ways we need to improve our online services, and we will be taking big steps in the future.)

At some recent services we were "full," which is a great problem to have! In an effort to provide better spacing for everyone who comes and to help attendees take precautions, our ushers will help attendees by seating them in socially-distanced locations (6-feet apart). Please assist us by following the ushers' instructions. Attendees are encouraged to wear a mask while entering and exiting and while interacting with others at less-than-6-foot distances. Families may sit close together. We will continue disinfecting surfaces between services to limit the transmission of COVID-19. (Note: Although we are taking efforts to keep our building COVID-19-free, we cannot eliminate the chances of people contracting it.)

Sunday school, other small groups, and children's and teens' ministries (like KMP3) will continue meeting online. Groups/classes may use church facilities or other locations inside or outside that allow for social-distancing guidelines to be followed. (Church facilities may be scheduled via the church office.)

We are prayerful that the Lord will heal our state of Coronavirus, so that life will be able to resume more normally. At this time, according to the Governor's office, school is expected to resume in the fall as scheduled.

May 12, 2020 (Revised)

Louisiana is going to "stage one" of the reopening process, which will allow us to meet again for some services, Bible studies, spiritual guidance, etc. Due to space constraints and recent growth, we will hold two Sunday morning services. Those who are in a high-risk category are encouraged by the Department of Health to stay home and find ways to limit potential exposure to COVID-19. Online services will also continue.

During each on-site service, we can initially have about 100 people in attendance. In advance, thank you for your cooperation as we follow social distancing guidelines and encourage individuals to take precautions. We will seat individuals at least 6 feet apart. Individual families will be able to sit close together. Between the services, we will take steps to disinfect surfaces.

The early Sunday morning service will be held at 9:00-10:00 A.M. It will be the same as the late morning service, except nursery/preschool care will not be available. For those who are of a higher risk but plan to come, we encourage you to attend this service.

The late Sunday morning service will be held at 10:30 A.M. Preschool care will be available, and school-age children will stay with their families.

During "Phase One," we will continue our other services and Bible studies online. Sunday school classes are able to meet online or in-person as they follow social distancing guidelines. Please contact our church office with any questions by calling 225-667-4679, ext. 100.

Our Academy and Daycare are operating at limited capacity as we follow LA Department of Education classroom directives.

See notes under March 17, 2020, for information regarding other Services, Pastoral Care, Praying, Staying Connected, and Coronavirus Precautions.

May 2, 2020

Our ministries have continued to reach out during COVID-19, and we are taking additional steps to aid worship and work in our community. Life will return to "normal," and we're here to help each step of the way. Open Door Baptist Church will have Sunday drive-in services at 10:30am. Other church services will continue online. Our school and daycare are adding spaces for childcare using smaller group ratios and adding shifts for employees. We remain dedicated to sharing Christ during this unprecedented situation in our lifetimes. Our dedicated staff are maintaining clean facilities and are staying prepared for future opportunities to safely welcome more people on-site.

March 23, 2020

The Governor of Louisiana has issued a "stay at home" order until April 13. Thankfully, Louisiana recognizes that church is an essential part of our community. Small groups of less than 10 are able to meet while practicing "social distancing." Exercise is an important stress-reliever, so we encourage you to get outside and walk. Those who would like to take prayer walks at the church may and are encouraged to do so. Our staff is trading shifts working from the church buildings and from home due to school. Pastoral staff and ministry leaders will be "in and out," but someone will be at the office between 9:00am and noon Monday to Friday. Additionally, staff are working and available to help with spiritual guidance. Contact our office by phone at 225-667-4679, ext. 100, with prayer needs, requests, appointments, etc.

Watch our Facebook pages for posts and videos for chapel, services, and other events.

March 20, 2020

This weekend, we will host our Sunday morning service online. Sunday school class leaders are reaching out to class members. Let's all continue to lift up Christ, worship Him, and help others as His church.

Most of our preschool families have begun staying at home over the first week of the 15-day COVID-19 slowdown, and more families have stated they plan to keep their children home at least over the next week. Our preschool ministries will monitor the situation weekly, and they will be closed beginning Monday, March 23. It's our desire to minister to our community and to encourage those serving in medical and emergency services, and we remain committed to providing care. Should a ramp-up of care be needed, we will work to open as soon as possible. Families will continue to have a reserved space. Please pray for our preschool families and the employees of our preschool ministries. Also, stay connected by "liking" and following our childcare center's and academy's Facebook pages for up-to-the-minute alerts. Our Academy's K5 to grade 12 classes are doing instruction online.

The Louisiana Department of Education, in an effort to follow the 15-day COVID-19 virus slowdown, brought classroom sizes down from extended ratios to 10, including teachers. We are complying with this request across ministry meetings, including our educational ministries who were previously given special, exempted ratios by the Dept. of Education.

March 17, 2020

The latest guidelines from the CDC request that over the next two weeks that we keep groups limited to ten. This is in an effort to dramatically slow the spread of the disease, so that our healthcare system is able to care for those with Coronavirus in addition to regular health needs. Open Door Baptist Church will not meet in person until at least April 5, 2020. It is likely that guidelines will affect our special Easter/Resurrection Day services, but we know God knows best, and we will prepare accordingly, if necessary.

Sunday Morning Worship and Midweek Services

Watch for our services to be streamed online. Sunday morning services will be at 10:30am, and the midweek service will be at 7:00pm. Olympian children will have a special stream at 3:00pm Wednesdays. We are also developing a connection for our teenagers. Generally, our video streams will be available via Facebook.com/opendooronline and Livestream.com/opendoor. Previous services are also available to be viewed via our church app (Android/Apple) later. When watching a service, please like, comment, check-in, and share with others to help spread God's Word and love!

Pastoral Care

Our pastoral staff and deacons are wanting to be a help, especially those who are of greater risk. We will be checking on our church family. Several methods will be employed, such as phone, text, email, and social media. Please help us by keeping your communications information up-to-date and letting us know of needs.

Sunday school classes, discipleship, and Bible study groups, please connect using phone and video calls to minister and encourage each other. Many groups have private Facebook pages that are great tools to help you "gather" together online.

Men's Prayer Breakfast, usually Tuesdays at 8:30am, will be paused at least until March 31. We encourage praying to continue, however.

We will open our church building on Sunday evenings at 6:00 for small groups of people who want to come and pray spread out in the auditorium. A pastor and/or deacon will be available to help with spiritual needs.

Our commitment to our church and ministry families is our priority. Our heart and our mission are the same, despite the strangeness of our times.

Other Ministries

The educational ministries of our church are also taking precautions while assisting families in our community. The Department of Education has specifically stated that we are not required to close with public schools, and for preschool they have made additional provisions to help keep us open. Our educational ministries enable many parents to continue being on the frontlines of necessary community resources, such as energy, infrastructure, medicine, first-responders, and others.

Our Academy has asked all students in grades K5 to 12 to resume classes online at home. K4 classes meet at the school.

Our Childcare Center continues to operate utilizing guidelines.

Students and family members who are ill for any reason should recover at home before coming on campus for any reason.

Pray for and Give to God's Work

Although much of life has changed, our mission is still focused on the Great Commission. Please pray that as a church we will individually and corporately see and respond to Gospel opportunities in a trying time. We intend to keep planting seed that God will bless. Our staff is still ministering, and they are busy doing new things, sometimes reinventing methods and finding ways to reach people until life is "normal" again. Our pastors, deacons, and staff are communicating often trying to stay informed just so we can adjust and guide people properly. Please give to support the mission we continue to do. I know times are getting tougher for some, but I will give my tithes/offerings just like I have for more than thirty years because I believe God's work is the most important one there is. Find a giving method that works best for you at opendooronline.com/core/engage/#invest-generously.

Stay Connected

Future updates will continue to be shown here: opendooronline.com/core/connecting-during-covid-19. We are regularly checking the websites of the CDC and the Louisiana Department of Health.

Reach Out

Contact us via the contact form, or feel free to call:

+1 225-667-4679, ext 100

We are located at:

7000 Gloryland Way

Denham Springs, LA 70726

Contact Open Door

Please complete the form below and we will be in touch.