Open Door Baptist Church


My Hope

By Dennis Schaffer

Posted on March 27, 2020

Hello, Friends! My hope is that you are doing well, and that God is keeping you safe. Most of our church is hunkering down in one way or another, but I am glad to see we're not being reclusive and isolating. Some have found joy in escaping to the grocery store or taking a walk outside! Please, if you have a need, we want to help, so let us know.

My hope is that we will be able to begin meeting again in the next couple of weeks. Our staff, deacons, and leaders have had to re-tool and do things differently, but I am grateful to be surrounded by a creative, willing, and hardworking team. We are not at all used to feeling like what "sheltered-in-place" feels like. The students who were excited to go home are mostly begging for normal opportunities to connect with classmates. People want to be around their friends, families, and co-workers. Until we have the green light to meet again, we will keep providing ways to meet up online or from a distance to share life with each other.

My hope is that on Sunday morning at 10:30, we'll begin a journey together with some of the people Jesus met on His way to the cross and afterward. In a way, Jesus asked them Who He is to them. And this is the most important question any of us answer: "Who do you say I (Jesus) am?" Go online (Facebook | Livestream), and invite friends to attend by watching the services with you. (Some may want to start a Facebook "Watch Party.")

My hope is that you will pray. We must not lose sight of revival (Habakkuk 3:2). In times of need, people are more apt to seek it. God may still use COVID-19 to draw people back to Him. Some may find hope in government for a time and shrink from revival. We need God! Sunday night, I invite you to pray at 6:00. If you'd like to pray at the church building, a staff member or deacon will be there to host you. If we have too many, you may pray in your car or as you walk the parking lot.

My hope is that God's people will be faithful to Him in these days that try our souls. God is in control. Just like you cannot see the Coronavirus, you cannot see God's hand at work, but He is more at work than any evil pestilence. Keep reading God's Word and exhibit the Fruit of the Spirit in your home. Be willing to help others. If God blesses you with income, keep giving to support God's work. Keep sharing Christ.

My hope is that when we come on the other side of this pandemic is that the new normal, which will be different, will be one in which we are stronger and more faithful to Christ and His Gospel.

"My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness," wrote the songwriter. Let's look to Him and trust His eternal hope. He is the Ancient of Days and worthy of all our praise! Lift up His holy name!

My hope is that you know I love you and miss seeing you. God is good no matter the situation. There are good things ahead after we endure this light trial. Reach back to me--your insights help me learn ways to improve and do a better job. Visit the "Connecting During COVID-19" page for current ministry information.

Jesus is my hope (Psalm 71:5),
Pastor Dennis Schaffer

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+1 225-667-4679, ext 100

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7000 Gloryland Way

Denham Springs, LA 70726

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