Open Door Baptist Church

Taming the Tongue

How To Say It Well

By Dennis Schaffer

Posted on June 4, 2021

Open Door Baptist Church

Have you ever sat spellbound by a powerful speech or wordsmith who can write moving articles?

We all want to say things well. It's no doubt that good communication gets messages across better than saying things in an inferior way.

Unfortunately, while we live in an age of mass communication, our communications skills are not improving, they are declining, especially in the area of actual conversation.

And who gets hurt the most? Our families.

I get that communication is a challenge. Sometimes I think I know just how to say something, and then judging by the response I realize I could have said it better...or perhaps I should have waited for a better time...or not said it at all.

Ever since mankind's entrance into sin, our conversation skills have been broken. But we need to have conversation regardless of our brokenness.

This begs the question, how can we let God redeem our communication?

Sunday's worship service at 10:30am, we will dig out the one key in the Bible that helps us in "Taming the Tongue" to say the right things the right way. As we see this key, we'll apply it to important conversations our families need to have.

In short, if you are looking at your family and thinking, "We need a new family...today," this is where to START!

I know this will be a revolutionary day in the lives of families and our relationships. Make it a priority to connect with our Open Door church family in-person or online should you be unable to come.

Let's help our families and the world by giving God the reins of our tongues. I trust it will be a blessing to you. Share the blessing with others you know. We can all be helped in this area of our lives.

P.S. Plan to be a part of the WOW Wednesday experience as we bring generations together to grow in Christ. Also, prepare and register youngsters for an exciting "Mystery Island" Vacation Bible School which will be Sunday-Thursday, June 13-17. Check out our page for other summer opportunities to connect with God and others.

God bless,
Pastor Dennis Schaffer

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Denham Springs, LA 70726

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