Open Door Baptist Church

Managing Moolah

Managing Moolah: Merry or Mayhem?

By Dennis Schaffer

Posted on June 11, 2021

Open Door Baptist Church

If you had to pick a word to describe your personal finances and conversations about them, which word would you use to describe them best: merry or mayhem?

The typical home, which includes Christians', lists finances as its top reason for stress. Managing resources over a lifetime can be stressful, but most families hide their stress well--at least for a while.

The sermon series, "How to Have a New Family Today," intentionally addresses some of the "touchy" subjects in life. I believe that God's redemptive plan is not just for when we are at church. The Gospel makes a difference everywhere, which includes our private lives and bank accounts.

Sunday morning at 10:30, we'll see two Bible examples in the same story that will help us understand God's helpful wisdom and perspective about money and possessions. From the outside, we would have never known the characters in the story were different. Everything seemed great! However, one was doing things well, and the others were not. Thankfully, God brings to light a stark contrast that will help us all!

I pray the service is a blessing to you!

With Covid invading less of our lives, it's clearly time for us to get back to worshipping God. I hope to see you in-person. We have seating available for folks who are being more careful. We continue to stream most services online if you're unable to be with us personally, and so you can review and share.

If any our services are a blessing to you, please share what God is doing with others! I've been excited! More on that in coming days!

P.S. Sunday night at 6:00-8:30 begins our VBS at Mystery Island! It will run through Thursday night. We also invite all of our VBS kids and their families to come back the following weekend for a special Father's Day and VBS Sunday service at 10:30am! For other special summer events and activities, visit summer.odbc-church.com.

God bless,
Pastor Dennis Schaffer

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7000 Gloryland Way

Denham Springs, LA 70726

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