Open Door Baptist Church

Leadership Pirates

By Dennis Schaffer

Posted on July 28, 2023

I am sure that we each appreciate the leaders who have influenced our lives for Christ.

In Paul's letter to Titus, there were powerful influences resisting the work of God to spread truth. Some of the hindrance was the underlying identity the people had on the Island of Crete: they were pirates at heart.

A little tidbit for the history buffs, did you know that there are several historical instances where leaders were taken captive by pirates? One time, about 75 B.C., the pirates did not know the figure they captured was so important. Their captive was a young Roman named Julius Caesar who was at that time traveling to continue his studies. In the end, the bounty was paid for him, and he was set free. It was not so good for the pirates, however, because, later in life, Caesar found them and had them all crucified.

Back to today, there are more "pirates" who are trying their best to steal away truth and the leaders who share it. Just like the challenge Titus found on the Island of Crete to find and raise up church leaders who will stand for the Gospel of Christ, we have this challenge in our own church, too.

Last Sunday, we learned that war defines and aligns people and that when we know Christ it should draw us to be an available authority. This is not an authority like we "know it all," but since we know Christ it is a truth we can represent to others who do not know Him. That authority is delegated to us by Christ Himself when He passes the Great Commission on to His church.

I get that not everyone in the church is called to be "the pastor," but the church is to be full of humble leaders who are ready to influence and encourage others by way of an authentic relationship with Christ. (Note: I am excited about what God is doing through our staff and all of the folks who serve Him! Some have been serving for many years, and their lives are a testimony to what God can do when we follow Him!)

At Open Door we have recently been saying it this way: "We are recipients of God's grace serving recipients of God's grace"--all so we can bring people to Christ, the Open Door of salvation, strength, and service.

You may have heard that "everything rises and falls on leadership." Let me encourage you to ask God to help you align yourself to His leadership desires and opportunities. Aligning our leadership begins with our worship of God in the truth. I think that is one of the reasons why Jesus tells us that He seeks those who will worship in "spirit and in truth" (John 4:23-24).

When we are caught away to be in God's presence, we will automatically worship and respond by being willing to lead. Ask Isaiah. He had a vision of God (see Isaiah 6), worshipped, and when God asked who would go for Him Isaiah quickly responded, "Here am I, send me."

With this in mind, and knowing there is a need for a "leadership realignment," I invite you, first, to worship the Lord.

Honestly, I have a shelf of leadership books in my library, and most of them do not begin with the suggestion of worship. This is one of the indicators of "pirated leadership" that needs realignment.

Brothers and sisters, we cannot lead and influence our world if we do not worship! Do so privately and come worship with us Sunday morning at 10:30am.

Then, AFTER you have worshipped the Lord, second, let God build your faith and trust His power in your life as you step through doors of opportunity to lead and influence others.

Don't do two things. One, don't start with the second step. You'll be sure to fail. Second, don't say, "No." You'll stagnate your life, and you'll begin manifesting the "pirate heart" of this world which will negatively influence others around you.

Sometimes we like to be like Switzerland and be neutral, but that is a kingdom choice we don't have. Watch out for the pirates, and lead others for Christ.

I look forward to worshipping together on Sunday as we seek God's realignment! These are exciting days!

Pastor Dennis Schaffer

Have you checked out what's coming up in the Fall at Open Door? Don't miss the Family Focus weekend, August 26-27, with author and speaker Dr. Charles Shoemaker--sign up today!

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