Homegoing of Jim King
King 09.2023
Read the most recent update from the Kings.
King 07.2023
Read the most recent update from the Kings.
King 06.2023
Read the most recent update from the Kings.
King 03.2023
“The population in our jails is down right now. Soon new inmates will be coming in to pay for their crimes and hear the gospel that can change their lives forever.”
King 01.2023
“Many of the inmates we teach find it hard to believe that Jesus can save them and transform their hearts. BUT, when one of them comes to understand the truth of the Bible, the change is something beautiful to behold!”
King 11.2022
Read the most recent update from the Kings.
King 08.2022
Read the most recent update from the Kings.
King 05.2022
Read the most recent letter from the Kings.
King 03.2022
Catch up on the King’s ministry in this recent newsletter.