“Brother Justus was a true pioneer in his field of Southern India…We are honored and blessed to have known this dear saint of God.” Read more about Bro. Justus’ journey over these last months. (Letters)
Alvarez 10.2017-05.2018
“The last few months have been a great blessing, for the Lord has allowed us to visit different ministries in Spain.” Read what’s going on in the Alvarez’s ministry. (Letters)
Adams 10.2017-06.2018
“Nothing in life is more gratifying and fulfilling than to know that He which began a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ!” Read what is happening in the Adams’ ministry. (Letters)
Aomi 03.2018-06.2018
“Through your faithful prayers and support we have been able to travel and visit many of these villages…” Read these letters from the Aomi family. (Letters)
Protegido: Edge 12.2017-03.2018
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Protegido: Eurasia 11.2017-07.2018
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