Read the most recent update from Vito Aomi.
Aomi 10.2023
Read the most recent update from Vito Aomi.
Aomi 04.2023
“Thank you all for your prayers. Your mission dollars are making a big difference in the lives of the people of Northeast India and the surrounding countries.”
Aomi 02.2023
“We are experiencing growth in our student population at Nagaland Baptist College, and we are making more infrastructure on our college campus.”
Aomi 09.2022
Read the most recent update from the Aomi family.
Aomi 04.2022
Read the most recent letter from the Aomi family.
Aomi 03.2022
New churches are being started in the Himalayan Regions.
Aomi 07.2021
Read the most recent letter from the Aomi family.
Aomi 02.2021
Read the most recent letter from the Aomi family.
Aomi 09.2020
Read the most recent letter from the Aomi family.