
Posts by Dennis Schaffer

America's Cultural Crisis
This Bible weekly study will help to address the spiritual, moral, and cultural issues facing our nation. There is a…

on March 12, 2021

This year's Easter offering will be used to help put up a new entrance sign along Forrest Delatte Road. The…

on March 11, 2021

I am looking forward to having choir resume singing in our services this coming Sunday. I hope that everyone is finally settled in their home and have power.

on March 5, 2021

Follow the link below to access the form to join us for our Open Door CORE Ministries Beach retreat in…

on March 3, 2021

Tonight's 7:00 service (February 17) will be streamed online only. We encourage you and others to enjoy learning about the…

on February 17, 2021

Yoo-Hoo! Sermon Series
"Yoo-hoo!" With all that is going on in the world, I believe that God is trying to get our attention.…

on February 6, 2021